Because a severe earthquake has devastated our home, we seek shelter in the nearby caves. There we face darkness, wrong paths and strange noises.The caves force ...
The White Whale is a new exciting module of Paleo.We live a quiet life on the coast and try our hand at seafaring. But recently there have been rumors about a m ...
We have learned how useful bees and their honey can be. But now hornets have settled nearby, and they don't seem friendly.Combined with light modules, the horne ...
The Flash Of Wit is another PALEO module. Be it taking a unique opportunity or simply spontaneous inspiration. Sometimes you just have them, such flashes of ins ...
The initiation rite "Der Initiationsritus" is a further module to PALEO.Accompany four kids through their journey to become an adult. Which challenges are waiti ...
"The Terror Birds" is another module for PALEO:Our explorations lead us to a new area. There seem to be eggs everywhere, but which animal do they come from?Atte ...